Ottawa’s Magical History

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada has been the home of many magicians. Our most well-known export was the renowned Professor himself, Dai Vernon. But Vernon spent little time in Ottawa, and the magician who made the biggest mark on the local magic community is the inimitable Roy Cottee, the founding President of Ottawa’s chapter of the International […]

What do you really do?

While I was a young magician, people would often ask, “What do you do?” In those days, I would often say, “I am a magician.” I would then invariably get one of two follow up questions. “What instrument do you play?” is the questions that I would get from people who thought they had heard […]

Artist rendering of Mark with cards

And so it begins…

I have been thinking about starting a blog for quite some time. The hardest step, as they say, is the first. And so, I invite you to take that first step with me. Growing up, I was always fascinated by the out of the ordinary. I loved cartoons, science fiction and magic. The best days […]